Monday, 30 July 2012

Healing increased my faith levels

I'm pretty excited about my day today. What started off looking like a disaster turned around and increased my faith levels.  I was up every two hours with my youngest who had a nasty cough and high temps and then in between with my eldest feeling much the same.  I was trying to ignore the fact that I was coming down with the same thing because Mums aren't aloud to get sick!  My husband left for work at 5am (ouch that's early) so there was no chance of any help with the girls.  After running up and down the stairs making breakfast in bed and getting drinks and medicine and rabbits and whatever else, I could feel myself falling apart.  I slumped on the toilet (its the only place to get a minute to myself) and couldn't get back up.  I was hot and cold, shaking, sniffing, nauseous, coughing, the works.  I need my Mum!!!  I cried out to God "Give me strength to get through this day... Please!!!"  It was like he was just sitting there waiting for me to ask for his help because in an instant I got up, shook it all off and got into my day.  Not only did I feel remarkably better I was able to enjoy the day having two very quiet and very cuddly girls.  Its as though God knows I don't have a Mum to come around in times of need so he gives me extra special care.  (oh yes, I'm one of his favourites, lol) I've prayed for healing before and waited and waited but this time he really did come through for me.  It's now 8.15pm and I'm still feeling good!  Luke 11 v 9 So I say to you, Ask and keep on asking and it shall be given to you; seek and keep on seeking and you shall find; knock and keep on knocking and the door shall be opened to you.

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