Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Be prepared for revival.... and feijoas

I love the fruit feijoa. It's my absolute favourite, and living in Australia its very hard to come by and if you do find it you pay an incredible price, in comparison to NZ, where you walk down most streets and in season will be dodging them lying on the pavement. Anyway, I found two young feijoa trees (more like sticks with a few leaves on) and I purchased them and planted them down the bottom of my property.  They have been there for 5 months now and haven't done a lot, actually, I can see why they are the price they are over here.. its just not wet enough through winter.  Yesterday, I was standing on my deck looking down at these trees and I thought "they really need a water".  The thing is, its a mission to get the water down to them, and there had been talk of a storm coming in the evening. So, did I make the effort or just wait for the storm to come? Can you see where I'm going with this? I decided to bucket some water down to them and as I did I saw the task as more spiritual than I first believed.  You see if you have much to do with the church at the moment, you would've heard about the prophesies of a spiritual revival coming.  Much like the word of a storm coming.  If you're like me and want to see more of heaven on earth, then the thought of a revival where heavenly signs and wonders become the 'norm' will get you pretty excited. Much like my tree producing fruit.  I can't wait around for rain to come I need water now! The storm didn't come, we had crazy winds and fires breaking out instead.  I'm sure the storm will come eventually but for now, I'm glad I made the effort to water my tree, it will be that much closer to bearing fruit in due season.  Likewise for spiritual growth, don't wait for revival to come, be prepared already. God fill our hearts with holy fire,  flood us with your spiritual rain.  I want to bring you glory in everything I do, right here, right now, Amen.

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