Wednesday, 29 August 2012

love, love, love

How do you see God? Is he a scary someone sitting in the clouds ready to send down lightening bolts whenever you mess up? Is he so far away you don't believe he hears a word you say?  Do you need to do things in order to please him? How do you find his love?
It upsets me to think that there are so many of us that have a misconception of who and what God is.  There's three simple words that sum it up.. God Is Love. 1 John 4 v 16.
If you have children you'll get this analogy easily. If your child came to you in strife, maybe they hadn't spoken to you for a while, hadn't done anything special for you lately but they were in trouble and they needed your help. Would you turn them away or would you do whatever possible to help.  Some might even say they would lay down their life for their child.  Thats love, it's the closest thing to unconditional love we can find.  We don't generally put too many conditions on our love for our own children. Maybe on our spouse, friends, neighbours but our children get loved no matter what.  How much more then does God love his children? You and I?  He doesn't expect anything from us, no amount of door knocking, no standing on the street corner waving a bible in the air.  You don't have to say anything, do anything, be anything, to be a beneficiary of Gods love.  He knew you before you were even born, he stands there at your side waiting for you to ask him for help. He knows everything about you and yet he still wants to dress you in fine robs of salvation and put a crown of glory on your head.  As you let God into your life and he fills you with his spirit piece by piece he removes the baggage and keeps filling you more and more with his love. Unconditional love. Thats right, his love has no conditions on it. The bible says that God inclines his ear to you, he leans in to you and he hears every whisper, every thought. He goes deep into your heart and he fills every gap, he is the completion of you. Even in the most difficult of times nothing can separate you from his love for you.  He is the father of all fathers and he made you in his image, with the ability to love and to be loved. I pray that you will really come to know the love of Christ, which far surpasses mere knowledge, that you may be filled through all your being unto the fullness of God. That you may have the richest measure of the divine presence, and become a body wholly filled and flooded with God himself! Ephesians 3 v 19. Amen!!

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