As a woman I know how important I am. I bring to the table kindness, gentleness, courage, passion, joy and much more. Without me my children wouldn't learn the gift of growing into a woman. Without me my husband wouldn't get fed (ha ha), actually neither would the cat. As a woman I need to know these things about myself because how I am with myself is how my children will learn to be within themselves. When I have confidence in who I am the world has confidence in me too. My friends can trust in me and my family can depend on me. So.. perhaps this answers my own question I had to myself.. Why are parents so needed and why do they hold so much influence on us? It's always the heart cry of everyone. We've all had parents at some time of our lives whether it be for 5 minutes or 50 years. How we are brought up makes us who we are. As a child we perceive our parents so differently than how they realise. When a Dad who is constantly at work is thinking "I need to do these extra hours to provide for my family" a child is seeing "my dad is never home, he doesn't want to spend time with me, I'm not important". As a child you take what you see and you make deep inner vows to never be like that. How bad can an inner vow be? Seen as we're made up of so many of them it can cause a hardness in our hearts and can leak into our marriages and we see ourselves becoming exactly what we said we wouldn't.
*Everyone has made Inner vows as children, either consciously in our thoughts, or spoken out loud. They are hidden and hard to find and left forgotten from many years ago. We forget that we made them. A root is formed and begins to grow undetected until years later through the law of increase has reaped a crop of the fruit evident in our own lives in the way we relate with one another and do life.
Ask the holy spirit to reveal the inner vows you've made as a child towards your parents. It may be a little uncomfortable at first but as you start to recognise them and forgive your parents and yourself you can experience freedom to be the person God destined you to be. Your parents did the best job they knew how and you need to acknowledge that and return it with blessings of love and forgiveness. It will set them free too.
Daddy God, I pray for each person reading this blog. I ask holy spirit that you go deep into their hearts and reveal to them the inner vows of their hearts. I pray you help them to forgive the ones the vows were made against and also to forgive themselves for their responses and for hardening their hearts. Please soften their hearts and pour into their hearts everything they did not receive as a child. Pour in everything that they missed by putting up walls before you and others. I pray for blessings and favor in their lives this week.
In Jesus name Amen
*quoted material from Catch the fire College
Thats good, thats really good bro