Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Angels amongst us

It was the school holidays and a big camping adventure was about to take place.  The Jeep was packed to the roof, as was the trailer.  Everything but the kitchen sink! Australia is a big place and we don't mind the distance covered when we're ensured with a good camping spot.  So 7hrs plus driving up the coast and then inland to a beautiful spot called Cania Gorge isn't considered all that far.  Especially when the crazy husband driver keeps it exciting by passing every car in sight.  We had stopped at the last little town before our destination to load up on refrigerated items to find that the supermarket was locking its doors as we pulled up.  We circled around a little and pulled up in the main street to find a 2nd mini supermarket with everything we needed with 15mins to spare.  Now this is where the story gets a little supernatural.  My husband had only just climbed out of the car when a kind gentleman came up to him and pointed out that we were missing two bolts that had snapped off the wheel on the trailer.  I'm not too sure of the mechanics of how the wheel and axle and bolts etc all work but what I do understand is that if this man hadn't shown us what had happened to the trailer…at the speed we had been going… that wheel would have fallen off.  We would have lost the trailer, possibly flipped the jeep and who knows what else.
Now, I believe in angels.  I believe in men in white linen.  The great crowd of witnesses.  There is another world around us that goes on and we are completely unaware until we stop and look.  That man that warned us? I believe he'd been here before, walking amongst us keeping us safe.  There is a lot of darkness in our world but God keeps it balanced by sending his light and glory to walk amongst us.  Think I'm going nuts?  Check out the bible, Genesis 19, lot had two of these men visit him and save him from the evil in Sodom.  If they were around back them what's not to say they aren't now?  So next time you have someone help you out, take a closer look.. Do they look old in wisdom but yet young in skin?
Hebrews 13 v 2  Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by doing so some have unwittingly entertained angels.