Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Being thankful

In this moment, right now, what are you thinking of?  Where is your heart at?  What happened yesterday?  What's coming up in your future?  Are you worried about too many things that you can't find it in yourself to enjoy right now?  It's so easy to live in the past or try and pull the future forward to now.  Last year we decided as a family to move back to NZ.  At the time it was all exciting, putting our house on the market, buying land over there to build on.  It was all happening.
And now, 7 months later we're still here.  The house hasn't sold and other things have come up that have changed our plans slightly.  I was finding myself constantly thinking.. well, when the house sells or when our debtors pay us back we can go.  I was stuck in the future somewhere and the more I thought about it the further it seemed to drift away.  God pulled me up on this and asked me why I wasn't enjoying what I was doing now. In this moment.  He said that it's a good thing to have dreams and vision and focus on the future but its not such a great idea to stay there.  There is so much happening right now that is easily missed and it doesn't come back, ever.  So where are your thoughts right now? Did you notice the person you love today?  When you left the house today did you whisper a thank you to God for his provisions?  There is beauty all around us and even in the deepest darkest times when you feel like your going nowhere there will always be a silver lining.  Even if its just learning to have patience.
I'm now grateful for the extra time I'm having here in Australia.  With this fantastic weather and the great friends I've made after 13 years of living here.  What's coming in my future is going to be impressive I'm sure of that but what I have right now is beautiful and I'm going to embrace it and be thankful.  You know God says to enter into his gates with thanksgiving and praise.  Be thankful.  Thankful to God who loves you.  Thankful to your partner, children, friends, angels there is so much working for you.  Its up to you to find it, today, right now.

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