Monday, 25 June 2012

He loves to catch my attention

Friday night and I had a dreams and visions conference to attend in the city starting at 7pm.  My sister who doesn't particularly like driving where she's unsure of the directions and usually comes with me was taking her own car and meeting me there.  I had put my youngest to bed and she was asleep, my husband was taking care of our other daughter and I was free to go... on my own for a change.  I was about 20minutes into the drive when my husband called saying the little one was awake and crying for me.  I was going to have to turn around and go home.  He said to carry on and he'd try his best to get her back to sleep.  Usually for Daddy... she stays up.  Now, after hearing this my heart sank as I'd had this conference pencilled in my calendar for months and it had been a trial getting the ok to go as it was.  I knew this was an attack on me not to go and so I started to pray.  Amazing how God already knows and had set it up so I was in the car by myself.. which never happens.  As I was praying I was taking authority over anything stopping me from going and telling it to 'hands off my family in Jesus name'.  I came to a stop in the traffic and standing out like a neon light was a brand new VW Gti Golf with the number plate saying 'prayer'.  I knew this was a visual from God and started to speak in tongues with so much more faith.  The next set of lights I came to I pulled up alongside the exact same car but with the numbers plate BW269. At a glance it looked like B W cope.. Brad will cope.  I laughed and continued praying.  The next lights same thing.. VW Golf this time it was black with the number plate 333OOO.  Hmm does the number 3 signify the trinity, father, son, holy spirit? Carrying on I came into some stand still traffic and so called my sister to see if she was lost yet.  Being totally set up by God, he loves to show us how much he loves us, she was sitting behind the bus behind me.  I pulled out and she was able to follow me the rest of the way.  When I arrived at the conference I messaged my husband and my baby (toddler) had gone back to sleep with no dramas and continued to sleep peacefully throughout the night.  God is the beginning and the end he knows my waking up and my lying down, he knows my thoughts before I even do and he has great plans for me.  He sets up beauty in so many different ways to catch our attention.. me a nice car, a drive by myself to spend time in prayer, a peaceful baby and a happy sister.  I am so blessed. And I had a great night out too!!

Thursday, 14 June 2012

Spiritual Mum

Five years ago I started going back to church and gave my heart to God.  I had the privilege of being prophesied over and now 5 years on I'm starting to see it come true.  The prophet Julie, whom I'd never met before said she felt I'd missed out on a mother figure growing up and that God was going to make me into that mum for other young ladies.  She said I would be a mum to many, physically and spiritually.  She didn't know but at that stage I had just found out I was pregnant and now I'm fortunate enough to have two beautiful daughters.  I was wandering when I was going to start being a spiritual Mum to many and as I look at the girls around me I have noticed the increasing number of girls from 18-26 in my life.  I'm so blessed to be a part of their lives and it is such a wonderful feeling knowing I'm in the right place in my life.  Loving God and ministering to young women. God loves to use our growth through the dark times in our lives to bless others.  He never gives us anything we can't handle and he always turns everything into good.  Romans 8 v 28 We are assured and know that all things work together and fitting into a plan for good to and for those who love God and are called according to his design and purpose. If you're going through a hard time, where you don't know why it's all coming against you keep your faith in God because he will use it for good.  We have to live through the tough times to build character and also to gain trust and understanding from the ones we're about to meet going through similar circumstances that need our help.

Wednesday, 6 June 2012


I need to be in a place of vulnerability.  Isn't that a scary thought?  To take a look inside your heart and find boxes that have been wrapped and rewrapped and stuck way down deep in a corner somewhere with a few nasty walls and hedges around them.  We all have them. A Dad that didn't live up to standard, a friend that was always going to be there and then just left, a teacher that picked on you, a church that didn't encourage your endeavours... the list goes on and on.  We have these hurts and instead of giving it to God who covers all sin we package it away and try to forget they exist.  Having these boxes and holding on to the pain leaves us with hard shells.  For years I have become hardened to seeing families with loving dads. My dad was pretty much removed from my life when my parents divorced at the age of 10.  He was still around but the childlike heart of adoring him was cut short.  I was jipped of my dream of growing up with a 'normal' family and it hurt to watch others that still had it.  I hardened my heart, boxed up the pain put a few walls around it and moved on.  Only to find that its really hard to accept Gods love when I can't accept my Dad's.  To be vulnerable is to open the box and let God in there to heal.  To be vulnerable is to cry when I hurt, whenever, wherever. It's the vulnerable heart that lets others in close. It releases pain in others so they can find healing too. Take a moment, put on some soft music and open your heart to God.  He will find the boxes and take you on a journey of unravelling and healing. All you have to do is ask. Ask and receive.