Thursday, 6 December 2012

uncomfortable situations

Have you ever believed you've forgiven someone and then you see them and instantly feel bitter and resentful? It's happened to me with one particular couple that have caused my family a lot of grief and if I was to really dwell on what they've done it could potentially ruin my christmas. I have continuously asked God to forgive them and to forgive me for even feeling so badly about them. And they probably have no idea of the extent of what they have done to us.  I've been asking God "whats the key here? whats the lesson? help me be mature in you Lord and rise above the emotions." Then this morning I was standing in the kitchen thanking God for his riches and glory in my life and I realised something very important.  What has been taken from us has meant I have to reach out to God in such a greater level of faith now. Instead of being angry, I'm grateful. God places us in uncomfortable situations to help us grow in character and strength.  It's not about the loss, God is far greater than that. It's about exactly that.. his greatness. He says if he looks after the birds in the trees how much more does he look after his children. I don't need to feel disappointed in myself for having bad feelings, I just have to be quick to recognise them and run straight to my daddy God who turns all things meant for bad into good for those who love him.  I love my God, my Jesus, and I love that he knows me more than I know myself. He made me this way and he says this about me... "you're so lovely".  So I'll keep on forgiving so I can look all  in the face with love and compassion. God says if we live this day doing his will (forgiving with love and blessings) he will shower us with blessings.

Deuteronomy 28:1-2
If you will listen to the voice of the Lord your God, being watchful to do all his commandments which I command you this day, the Lord your God will set you high above the nations of the earth. And all these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you if you heed the voice of the Lord your God.

I really love the part where the blessing will overtake me... Wow imagine that!!!!

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