I've been busting to post something about this for about 6 months now but was a little nervous so kept it to myself. As soon as I heard my husband selling me to a new friend as 80%normal 20% weird I thought… 'yeah, that sounds about right, I'm happy with that' so I guess I'm allowing myself to share with you a little of my weirdness. lol.
So, as my relationship with Jesus started to grow deeper my need to see further into the realms of heaven became more intense. I began by meditating on the word of God, filling myself with him. Breathing in the name of God, Yod Hey Vav Hey and moving in the spirit upwards (ascending) into the heavens. Filling my body, spirit and soul with the glory of God and resting in him in a balanced state. A really healthy thing to do in your everyday walk with the Lord.
I had been doing this in my bed one night (husband was away working) and although I didn't see them with my natural eyes there were angels in my bedroom watching as my spirit engaged with Jesus. In the morning I was standing in my ensuite when I noticed a very large set of handprints high up on my mirror. Now I had only recently cleaned that mirror and my husband had been away and there was no possible way there could be extra large man's handprints on my mirror. They were just there, so clear to see and up so high. This must've been quite a large angel! I took a photo and I'm sorry my photography isn't the best but take a close look and check out the size of those prints. Amazing!
Later that week I found feathers under my office desk! I haven't seen anything like it since, but just knowing that I have angels in my house watching me is pretty exciting. I do think they get really bored with our lack of intervening in the spiritual. I'm guessing it was my worshiping and meditating on God that got them interested in me. I'm going to keep pressing in and walking in the glory, I love the thought of legions of angels being attracted to me because when they look at me they see Jesus!! So, my friends…. get talking to God! Tell him about your day and move into his arms of life. Get the angels excited to know you!!!